
Nushell ("A new type of shell") uses heim to power two bundled plugins: ps and sys.
They are providing information about system processes and system components correspondingly as a structured data:

heim::process routines:

❯ ps | where name == node
 pid   │ name │ status  │ cpu    │ mem     │ virtual 
 15447 │ node │ Running │ 0.0000 │ 18.5 MB │  4.7 GB 


> sys | get net | where sent > 0
 # │ name   │ sent    │ recv 
 0 │ tun0   │ 30.3 MB │ 653.4 MB 
 1 │ wlp3s0 │ 97.7 MB │   1.2 GB 
 2 │ lo     │ 97.1 MB │  97.1 MB 

heim::host::platform, heim::host::uptime, and heim::host::users:

> sys | get host
 # │ name  │ release        │ version                                  │ hostname │ arch   │ uptime                     │ users 
 0 │ Linux │ 5.4.15-arch1-1 │ #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:48:50 │ tardis   │ x86_64 │ [row days hours mins secs] │ [table 1 rows] 
   │       │                │ +0000                                    │          │        │                            │  